SEPTEMBER 2-5, 2016

Jeroen Vriends, a business student, and Gianni Ritchie, a web and graphics designer, were greatly inspired by the Flow Series. They drew their sole inspiration from these sculptures of mine to create the basis for their innovative float in this year’s parade. Images of the scaled-down models shown here give us a preview of their original and striking project. To see my works of art transcend the limitations of scale is very interesting to witness, as well as the temporality. I tend to use very permanent materials, which is quite different from all the labor and teamwork used to create such monumental works over many months, only to be dismantled after three days of display!  I am in awe of how the teams of float architects and all the different citizens of this small town work together for a passionate tradition that commemorates not only their history and traditions, but agricultural abundance and the joy of creative forces joined together. 
I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing this transformation in person and I look forward to this new privileged experience of my vision. These floats are built in huge tents. These appear from early May and June, then the actual building of the floats starts. All summer long the building continues. By the end of August the floats are ready except for one important detail: the flowers. Of course, the dahlias can only be fixed on the floats at the very last moments, since they would wither if applied earlier. This is a challenging job that has to be performed within just a few days and for which hundreds of volunteers are drummed up in every village quarter. On the Saturday preceding the parade a lot of the locals work through the night to get the float finished.

Along with a two-man video crew, I will be traveling to Zundert for 9 days surrounding the parade on September 4th.  I will be helping with the float, placing flowers and mingling with locals.  I would love to have my friends join me for this incredible adventure!
Click HERE for overnight accommodations in the area 
Brussels Airport Zaventem is approximately 85 kilometers from Zundert
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is approximately 130 kilometers from Zundert